Source code for mathparse.mathparse

Methods for evaluating mathematical equations in strings.
from decimal import Decimal
from . import mathwords
import re

[docs]class PostfixTokenEvaluationException(Exception): """ Exception to be raised when a language code is given that is not a part of the ISO 639-2 standard. """ pass
[docs]def is_int(string): """ Return true if string is an integer. """ try: int(string) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs]def is_float(string): """ Return true if the string is a float. """ try: float(string) return '.' in string except ValueError: return False
[docs]def is_constant(string): """ Return true if the string is a mathematical constant. """ return mathwords.CONSTANTS.get(string, False)
[docs]def is_unary(string): """ Return true if the string is a defined unary mathematical operator function. """ return string in mathwords.UNARY_FUNCTIONS
[docs]def is_binary(string): """ Return true if the string is a defined binary operator. """ return string in mathwords.BINARY_OPERATORS
[docs]def is_symbol(string): """ Return true if the string is a mathematical symbol. """ return ( is_int(string) or is_float(string) or is_constant(string) or is_unary(string) or is_binary(string) or (string == '(') or (string == ')') )
[docs]def is_word(word, language): """ Return true if the word is a math word for the specified language. """ words = mathwords.words_for_language(language) return word in words
[docs]def find_word_groups(string, words): """ Find matches for words in the format "3 thousand 6 hundred 2". The words parameter should be the list of words to check for such as "hundred". """ scale_pattern = '|'.join(words) # For example: # (?:(?:\d+)\s+(?:hundred|thousand)*\s*)+(?:\d+|hundred|thousand)+ regex = re.compile( r'(?:(?:\d+)\s+(?:' + scale_pattern + r')*\s*)+(?:\d+|' + scale_pattern + r')+' ) result = regex.findall(string) return result
[docs]def replace_word_tokens(string, language): """ Given a string and an ISO 639-2 language code, return the string with the words replaced with an operational equivalent. """ words = mathwords.word_groups_for_language(language) # Replace operator words with numeric operators operators = words['binary_operators'].copy() if 'unary_operators' in words: operators.update(words['unary_operators']) for operator in list(operators.keys()): if operator in string: string = string.replace(operator, operators[operator]) # Replace number words with numeric values numbers = words['numbers'] for number in list(numbers.keys()): if number in string: string = string.replace(number, str(numbers[number])) # Replace scaling multipliers with numeric values scales = words['scales'] end_index_characters = mathwords.BINARY_OPERATORS end_index_characters.add('(') word_matches = find_word_groups(string, list(scales.keys())) for match in word_matches: string = string.replace(match, '(' + match + ')') for scale in list(scales.keys()): for _ in range(0, string.count(scale)): start_index = string.find(scale) - 1 end_index = len(string) while is_int(string[start_index - 1]) and start_index > 0: start_index -= 1 end_index = string.find(' ', start_index) + 1 end_index = string.find(' ', end_index) + 1 add = ' + ' if string[end_index] in end_index_characters: add = '' string = string[:start_index] + '(' + string[start_index:] string = string.replace( scale, '* ' + str(scales[scale]) + ')' + add, 1 ) string = string.replace(') (', ') + (') return string
[docs]def to_postfix(tokens): """ Convert a list of evaluatable tokens to postfix format. """ precedence = { '/': 4, '*': 4, '+': 3, '-': 3, '^': 2, '(': 1 } postfix = [] opstack = [] for token in tokens: if is_int(token): postfix.append(int(token)) elif is_float(token): postfix.append(float(token)) elif token in mathwords.CONSTANTS: postfix.append(mathwords.CONSTANTS[token]) elif is_unary(token): opstack.append(token) elif token == '(': opstack.append(token) elif token == ')': top_token = opstack.pop() while top_token != '(': postfix.append(top_token) top_token = opstack.pop() else: while (opstack != []) and ( precedence[opstack[-1]] >= precedence[token] ): postfix.append(opstack.pop()) opstack.append(token) while opstack != []: postfix.append(opstack.pop()) return postfix
[docs]def evaluate_postfix(tokens): """ Given a list of evaluatable tokens in postfix format, calculate a solution. """ stack = [] for token in tokens: total = None if is_int(token) or is_float(token) or is_constant(token): stack.append(token) elif is_unary(token): a = stack.pop() total = mathwords.UNARY_FUNCTIONS[token](a) elif len(stack): b = stack.pop() a = stack.pop() if token == '+': total = a + b elif token == '-': total = a - b elif token == '*': total = a * b elif token == '^': total = a ** b elif token == '/': if Decimal(str(b)) == 0: total = 'undefined' else: total = Decimal(str(a)) / Decimal(str(b)) else: raise PostfixTokenEvaluationException( 'Unknown token {}'.format(token) ) if total is not None: stack.append(total) # If the stack is empty the tokens could not be evaluated if not stack: raise PostfixTokenEvaluationException( 'The postfix expression resulted in an empty stack' ) return stack.pop()
[docs]def tokenize(string, language=None, escape='___'): """ Given a string, return a list of math symbol tokens """ # Set all words to lowercase string = string.lower() # Ignore punctuation if len(string) and not string[-1].isalnum(): character = string[-1] string = string[:-1] + ' ' + character # Parenthesis must have space around them to be tokenized properly string = string.replace('(', ' ( ') string = string.replace(')', ' ) ') if language: words = mathwords.words_for_language(language) for phrase in words: escaped_phrase = phrase.replace(' ', escape) string = string.replace(phrase, escaped_phrase) tokens = string.split() for index, token in enumerate(tokens): tokens[index] = token.replace(escape, ' ') return tokens
[docs]def parse(string, language=None): """ Return a solution to the equation in the input string. """ if language: string = replace_word_tokens(string, language) tokens = tokenize(string) postfix = to_postfix(tokens) return evaluate_postfix(postfix)
[docs]def extract_expression(dirty_string, language): """ Give a string such as: "What is 4 + 4?" Return the string "4 + 4" """ tokens = tokenize(dirty_string, language) start_index = 0 end_index = len(tokens) for part in tokens: if is_symbol(part) or is_word(part, language): break else: start_index += 1 for part in reversed(tokens): if is_symbol(part) or is_word(part, language): break else: end_index -= 1 return ' '.join(tokens[start_index:end_index])